JUMP TOCommonApplicationRetrieve an applicationgetTagsBatch attach tagspostWebhooksList all webhook's eventsgetList all webhooksgetCreate a webhookpostRetrieve a webhookgetUpdate a webhookputDelete a webhookdeleteMerchant acquiring solutionsCustomerList all customersgetCreate a customerpostRetrieve a customergetUpdate a customerputInactive a CustomerdeleteAttach tags to CustomerputList of Payment Intents of CustomergetPayment IntentGet Summary of Payment IntentgetList all Payment IntentsgetGet a Payment IntentgetCreate a Payment IntentpostUpdate a Payment IntentputAuthorize a Payment IntentpostCancel a Payment Intent authorizationpostCapture a Payment IntentpostCancel a Payment Intent TransactionpostSettle a Payment IntentpostDisburse a Payment IntentpostList all Refunds of Payment IntentgetRefund a Payment IntentpostCancel a Payment Intent RefundpostGet timeline of Payment IntentgetAttach tags to Payment IntentputOwlPay Tunnel APIsOrdersList all ordersgetCreate an orderpostCreate orders (batch)postCancel orders (batch)putRetrieve an ordergetUpdate an orderputExecute an order payoutpostAttach order's tagsputReconciliationsList all reconciliationsgetCreate a reconciliationpostRetrieve a reconciliationgetVendor InviteList all vendor's invitationsgetCreate a vendor's invitationpostVendor Remit InfoList all vendor's remit infogetApply vendor's remit infopostVendorsList all vendorsgetCreate a vendorpostRetrieve a vendorgetUpdate a vendorputDelete a vendordeleteList all vendor's ordersgetPowered by Settle a Payment Intentpost https://api.owlpay.com/api/v1/platform/tunnel/payment_intents/{payment_intent_uuid}/settleSandbox only